Monday, March 5, 2012

Day One

So as I said in the previous entry, I am starting my new "diet" today. I was suppose to start with my personal trainer today, too, but I am still sick (two weeks in the making). So I am not starting with my PT until I am 100%, which is hopefully soon.

The "diet." I am using the parentheses because it's really not a diet, it's more of being conscious of what I eat, when I eat and how much I eat. I plan on eating lots of veggies, lots of fruit, lots of protein (mainly chicken, fish and eggs) and whole oats. I have to cut back on bread and eating late which I think is the biggest reason that I have gained the weight that I have. So this morning, I am have a protein shake, a banana and a cup of coffee.

Another thing that I will be doing is recording my weight day to day. I might not blog every day but I will always put a weight at the end of the post. I was thinking about doing before and after pictures but I think I might do that once everything is going in the right direction....aka when I am not sick. Maybe I'll do it at the end. I don't know...we'll see how I feel. So here goes the weight...I currently weigh 160.2 lbs at 5'3". This is the most I've weighed since losing a ton of weight from my knee surgery, where I went from 175 lbs to 115 lbs. It wasn't a healthy weight loss because it was caused by muscle loss and not being able to eat due to my pain medication. My doctor actually got mad at me for being semi-anorexic. But after I was able to eat I was able to maintain a weight of 125 to 130 lbs. So that is my goal, 130 lbs. If I fluctuate between 130 and 135 I am okay with that. Also, another thing with this weight loss, eating healthier thing, I am not buying any new clothes (unless necessary, like for work or bras, undies or socks) until I am down closer to my new weight. It's going be kinda hard because Target always calls my name and the bright colors are hard to ignore, but I am determined to not buy anything. I know I will feel a lot better in my clothes once I am have lost some weight.

 This is going to be a long process and I know I am going to have to be patient but I know the results are totally going to be worth it. Day by day.


  1. You can do it! And, when we're roomies, we'll only have good foodies in the house and brainstorm healthy meals together ;)
