Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Not that bad

So I had my second go around with my PT and it was a lot better this time. I still got really dizzy and had to sit/lay down once or twice, but overall it was good. She had me do a pyramid of ten, only going down, thankfully. I don't think I could have done it all the way back just yet. I didn't realize how out of shape I actually am. It's kinda sad to say the least. But it makes me want to work harder to get back into shape. On my off days, Cara (PT), only wants me to do cardio so I don't do anything to upset what she is trying to do. I meet again with her tomorrow...my legs are going to be sore.

But along with the PT, I went on a this walk/hike with my sister-in-law, Tasha. Man, it's a killer. It's around 5 or 6 miles. Uphill...well a lot of uphill. It really kicks your butt. But it's a lot of fun to be able to do it. It took a while for my legs to warm up to be able to walk normally. I've been walking kind of weird lately and I don't know why, but I can definitely feel it. When I had my surgery I use to hitch, or limp, my left leg and compensate on my right. Now I am hitching my right leg and compensating with my left, which is really odd to me because my right leg has always been stronger. I don't like it. It feels really off.

Overall, though, I am really liking the getting back into exercise and getting healthy. The diet is hard, but at least I like veggies and fruit. Yummy!! Speaking of which, I should probably eat...after this I will. I still need to cook more. Last week was really hard because I was house sitting and I worked every night during dinner time. I did make myself dinner (around 3) before work and ate the leftovers after work. But most of the time I would eat before work, get hungry during work and be ravenous by the time work was over. Which was usually late. I need to work on a better eating schedule. It's just kind of hard when I work at night...during dinner time. All this talk about food is making me hungry. I'm gonna go eat :)

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