Thursday, September 1, 2011

And in the beginning...

I have seen a lot of my friends and some of my family get into the blogging craze. I love reading everyone's, but I never thought it would be something I would be into. I remember I had to do a blog for Spain when I studied abroad and I hated it. I think I had to do it once a week and I think I ended up doing it maybe once every two weeks...whoops. Maybe it was because I had to do it, and now I don't. It's a choice. So we'll see how well this actually goes.

So my life has been a little crazy for the last year or so. I have been sick since last July and I still don't have the exact answer as to what I have or don't have. I guess it has been kind of getting better but as usual, some days are better than others. It's a lot of trial and error. As for everything else, it's just been one stressful thing after another. Am I going back to Missoula? Or am I staying in Billings? Where am I going to live? Work? And how in the world is school going to go this year? I have had so many problems with the schools I have been attending that it gets to the point of frustration that I just want to throw my hands in the air and give up. It's a week before school and I have yet to get the answers I need.

I moved away from Billings last year and at the time it was so refreshing. Missoula was a nice change, it was new and exciting. Everything seemed so cool and not Billings. The University was really cool and even now I wish it was here in Billings. In the beginning, other than being dead sick, everything was awesome. I met cool people and we did cool things. It was great. Slowly the glow wore off and it wasn't as great as I thought it was. I had no car or job when I moved up there. Missoula is the worst place to try to find a job, trust me, it took me four months to find a job. Not a fun situation. Once I got a job, it was a little better. But by the time the second semester came, I was sicker than in the beginning which was making life a lot harder. I kept to myself because I couldn't or didn't want to do what everyone else was doing...which involved a lot of drinking. I don't ever do this, but I called my mom crying because I was so lonely. Eventually, I began to loathe Missoula and I still do in a way. I still think it's a great town to visit or live in, but it's just not my cup of tea. So I am back in Billings and happy to be here.

So this is where I am. Still in limbo with school, a place to live and where my life is leading, but still trying to make sense of it all. Hopefully answers will come and so will peace. 

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